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Supervision is a critical element of the support provided to a NQSW and must provide within a safe, emotionally supportive space.

NQSWs' supervision must meet the which (as a minimum) is:

  •   weekly for the first six weeks of the ASYE
  •   fortnightly between six weeks and six months
  •   monthly between six months and the end of the ASYE

The supervisor

Reflective supervision must be provided by a registered social worker. The supervisor should be familiar with their own organisation’s supervision policy when providing supervision to a NQSW.

Each programme will have their own model governing who provides supervision. In some programmes it may be undertaken by the NQSW’s assessor, in others, the team manager. In addition to these supervisions, group supervision facilitated by an experienced social worker can be used to provide additional support and development for the NQSW.

The NQSW should receive supervision that facilitates their critical reflection and supports the management of their work. 

In some programmes these elements are delivered by different social workers e.g. the assessor providing supervision that promotes the development of the NQSW’s critical reflection capability and the team manager providing the case management supervision.


Shared supervision

The social workers involved in providing the supervision should liaise regularly to gain a full picture of the NQSWs progressive learning and development.

If there are any difficulties in this shared approach, then guidance should be sought from the ASYE co-ordinator and/or a senior manager.


Useful links